Taste of Hope WI 2016 Benefit for Lindsay's Voice a HUGE Success!
Date: 9/12/2016 12:31:00 AM
Sunday Aug 28th was a magical evening in more ways than one. The culmination of months of hard work by Britta Kramer (Private Palate) Peter Sandroni (La Merenda Restaurant), Dan Jacobs and Dan VanRite (DanDan Restaurant), Zak Baker (Pizza Man), Paul Zerkel & Lisa Kirkpatrick (Good Kind Restaurant) who all donated their time, talents and food to create TASTE OF HOPE WI. Guests were treated to 5 courses + appetizers & wine pairings.
2 Brave Cancer survivors- Amber Pflughoeft and Jack Zbigien shared their stories, Dr Mary Horowitz - Chief of CIBMTR at Medical College of WI talked about how they gather and distribute data on bone marrow transplantation here and around the world- to help advance treatments and improve outcomes.
Enjoy some of the incredible evening- and THANK YOU to all who supported this event- helping us raise just over $8,000 for Lindsay's Voice. We are forever grateful to all who helped make this possible. Photos by Gavyn Taylor - GTB Imagery
READ this Inspiring Story: http://onmilwaukee.com/dining/articles/sandronitasteofhope.html
See the Incredible Photos: http://www.gtbimagery.com/blog/toh
We are so VERY Grateful to all the incredible Chefs and their staffs who donated countless hours, delicious food, and a venue that was filled with Love and Hope to save lives now and in the future.
Karen Wenzel
Lindsay's Voice